Today is the first day of my new weblog, Catholicism Today.  I wanted to start a forum where, at first, friends and family could discuss the Roman Catholic faith.  I’m interested in all things Catholic; from domestic policy set by the NCCB (National Conference of Catholic Bishops) here in the United States to doctrine being set by the Holy See in Rome.  And everything in between. 

I thought today was a good day to start with honoring a little 9 year old Catholic girl, Christina Green, born on September 11, 2001 and taken from us on January 9, 2011 in a hale of gunfire in Tucson, AZ.  Her funeral was yesterday.  No parent should have to bury their child.  She was special and I believe she was given her angel’s wings as soon as her eyes were closed.  God Bless you, Christina Green.

Let’s turn this tragedy into a lesson.  And always, always pray that these acts of insanity go the way of the dinosaur.

More tomorrow.  Bye for now.
