Today is Friday.  It’s been a long week and I just want to wrap it up and become a bit of a veggie for the rest of day and weekend.  Maybe that’s why I just don’t feel any inspiration to post anything of substance today.

And yet…..

…. I don’t get to be a veggie.  Tonight my son has his annual Pinewood Derby race with the Cub Scouts and tomorrow it’s Little League tryouts for the spring season.  There was a time in my life when I was given the title of ‘impatient’ and ‘bad tempered’.  The people who gave me those titles don’t see much of me anymore.  What I’ve become is a Mom – a God-given privilege that I embrace wholeheartedly.  And one that requires a will of iron and patience beyond belief!  LOL!

There are no two people I enjoy spending time with more than my son and daughter.  There are times, when I feel like I do today, not wanting to do anything.  I get home from work and get hugs and kisses from them and well, not much else matters at that point.  All that gives me the little more ‘oomph’ to go and do the extra things they need or want.  When I get home tonight, I will see that we are out of milk {again} and the cats will need to be fed {again}.  I’ll be road weary from the long DC metro area drive home – 1.5 hours on a good day.  We’ll feed the cats, stop at the store to buy another gallon of milk and we’ll be off to the races.  If my son doesn’t win, I’ll have to come home and offer comfort to him and his crushed dreams, help my pre-teen daughter deal with those little headaches and stomach aches that seem to plague her a lot these days and finally drop into bed from sheer exhaustion.  And through it all, I will thank God for every minute!  Tonight, when I lay my head down to sleep, I will say, ‘Thank you, God, for the miracles in my life!’

God Bless!
