Today was the annual March for Life in Washington, DC.  It’s the one day that I don’t hate maneuvering around the tourist buses on my way to and from work.  I see all those people and wonder if the suits on the Hill and the judges on the Supreme Court are listening to them.  Shoot, the march didn’t even make the nightly news – except for how it would mess up traffic.

The one thing that I noticed as I was passing the buses, was the age of the marchers.  Many of the them were children, teenagers and young adults.  I was impressed.  To do something like that when you are a teen or in your twenties, something that most of their peers would consider ‘lame’ or ‘narrow-minded’, takes more courage than most have. After all, it’s not en vogue to be Pro-Life! 

But truth be told, I don’t believe Roe vs. Wade will ever be overturned, not in the society we live in.  God is just not welcome here anymore by too many people.  God help all those babies. Wonder who the next undesirable members of society will be?  God help them too.

– Deneen