As I was driving into work this morning, I was thinking about my post last night.  When would be a good time to begin praying the Rosary on a more consistent basis, I wondered?  Should I get up earlier in the morning?  Should I let some responsibility slide in the evening?  Then it hit me! 

As I sat in traffic (again) and listened to the local and world news (nothing good), weather and traffic (weather – good, traffic – not so good), sports (who cares!), and wondering why that person in the BMW had to cut me off, I realized, what a great time to spend in prayer with Mary and the Rosary!  What else did I have to do and I have 90 minutes to kill to boot.  But more than that, prayer removes me from the noise of the news and those irritable drivers entitled to drive in my lane when my car is already there. 

Besides, when you’re praying, you can’t be sinning at the same time!

I prayed the Rosary and my time in traffic just seemed to fly.  I was able to ask God for a specific need that I picked for today and arrived at work in a good mood.  It didn’t cost a penny, but left me feeling like I just spent an hour at the spa!

Prayer is good!

Here’s a link with all the ‘How to’s’ for praying the rosary –>

I hope to hear from someone who wants to be my Prayer Team member soon.  I promise you lower blood pressure and a sunny smile to start your day!

– Deneen