Finally, ONE state – only ONE state – in the whole United States is FINALLY regulating abortion clinics.  Virginia grew some scruples!  God Bless the Old Dominion!

Abortion advocates are quoted in the today’s Washington Post saying that the new law could cause 17 of the 21 clinics in Virginia to close.  Now why would that be if they were so safe to begin with?  It’s like I said before, “Abortion might be legal, but it sure ain’t safe.”  Just possibly in Virginia, women no longer will be treated like chattel.  Please, don’t for a moment think I’m advocating abortion in any shape or form.  I’m not.  Women just deserve better than abortion.  And maybe, just maybe, if regulations are in place, and these slaughter houses are monitored, women won’t be so abused as they were in the past; abused so horribly, just so that someone could make a dollar.  Those clinics are wolves in sheep’s clothing, masking their moneymaking scheme in the lie that they are concerned for the woman’s ‘rights’. 

Three cheers for the courage that the Virginia legislature has shown this week.  For once, let’s hope this one is contagious and is caught by other states too.  God Bless all of those who voted in favor of this law.  I am very proud to say that today, I am a Virginian!

Today’s prayer, ‘Dear Lord, bless not only those who voted for this regulation, but also for those who did not.  Show them Your love and grace, so that they too will one day see the light and wisdom of Your ways.  Amen.’

God Bless,
