I’ve been very distracted of late.  I haven’t posted here in over 2 weeks.  😦  Things haven’t been getting done on the home front – other than keeping up with payment on those never-ending bills.  Work has been ‘blah’.  The only thing of note is our wet, wet, wet spring and how the rain has made everything outside turn all shades of green.  All the flowering trees are in bloom, bulbs have burst through the wet dirt threatening to open their beautiful blossoms at the mere hint of a warm ray of sunshine.

So why am I so much in the dumps?  And more importantly, how does one shake that heaviness?  Today is Palm Sunday.  We are heading into one of the heaviest and saddest weeks of the year in our Christian faith.  The main focus is the pending crucifixion of our Lord.  I’ve been praying the Sorrowful Mysteries while saying the rosary. Granted, the payoff at the end is the most magnificent miracle known to man; Easter morning and Christ’s Resurrection.  It also happens to be tax weekend.  Taxes are due on Monday to that man-made debacle, the US government.

So I’m reaching out to all you who may be reading this blog.  Can you send me suggestions?  How do I shake these doldrums? 
