Are you ever angry at God? Sometimes I am. I was angry at God when I lost my daughter because I couldn’t understand why He even let me get pregnant, when I was going through a divorce, when I lost my father because I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye, and when I had a scare when my mammogram came back positive. All four of these huge, life-changing events happened within 9 months of one another. When I got the call from the nurse, I looked up to heaven and said, ‘You just have to move on to someone else. I just can’t do ONE more huge thing like this’. I’m also a single mother and my remaining children were only 8 at the time (they’re twins) and I wasn’t sure they could make it easily without me. The mammogram proved to be a false positive!

Too much. Sometimes life is just so over-whelming. Work as well as a home-based business, kids’ school, sports, boy’s club activities, girl’s club activities, and keeping a household running wears me down. Jesus says His load is light, but sometimes, I just want to know, ‘When?’. I don’t seem to be alone in this. When you talk to folks, everyone has their burdens, everyone has their crosses and some seem much larger than anything I’ve ever had to deal with. ‘Why?’ Why must we all go through this Hell on Earth? Or is life the real Purgatory and not some nebulous place between Heaven and Earth? Why the game?

Ever read the Book of Job? The way God allowed the devil to play with Job is beyond me. It was a game, a bet. Could Job stand loosing all his wealth, health, children, everything he held dear and still be faithful to God? I believe he passed the test and the riches bestowed upon him after ‘The Test’ was beyond Job’s wildest dreams. I would suppose there is a lesson in that story. Stay the Course. Keep the Faith. Semper Fi.

Well, despite everything, I Believe! I believe I will be rewarded, if not in this life, then in the life after. I also believe Our Father has broad shoulders and that He can take it when you’re angry with Him. This means He matters to you if you care enough to be angry with Him! Otherwise, a person would just be completely indifferent, I suppose. I also remember to say ‘Thank You’ to Him when something good comes my way as well.

So Semper Fi everyone because you are not alone. When you get angry with The Lord, remember the ‘Footprints’ poem. He’s there and He’s carrying you. Stay the course, because indeed, the reward is great.

Blessings to you and may your burden today be light.


Footprints poem link: