I’ve been taught all my life that Purgatory is a place somewhere between our death here on Earth and our arrival in Heaven.  A place where believers who die with sin on their souls are cleansed before entering into the Glory of Heaven. My priest spoke of it today during his Homily.

Here’s a link from the Catholic Encylopedia with its explanation –>http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12575a.htm

and here’s an opposing view –> http://video.christianpost.com/dr-bobby-conway-is-purgatory-biblical-2520/

Here’s what I think, I think Jesus died for our sins.  We Are Forgiven.  So why do we need a Purging Place?  If one can be forgiven of the most heineous sin in a confessional, why does a soul need days, weeks, months, who knows how long to be cleansed of sin before entrance into Heaven is granted?  Granted, we need to ask for forgiveness first.  So if, when we die, we have sins that we haven’t asked forgiveness for, are we given a chance for that last confession?  And maybe some time before hand to go to the videotape of our lives first?  Sounds like I just have a lot of unanswered questions.

I offer this…does it matter?  We are told by Christ himself, Love God first, more than anything, then Love your neighbor as yourself.  Do these things, ask forgiveness when you mess up, admit when you’re wrong, always strive to do better and avoid sin as much as humanly possible, ask God for His Grace to help you through those tough times, and IF there is a Purgatory, your time should be short, if you need to spend any time there at all.  Regardless of whether there is a Purgatory or not, you are required, by Jesus the Lord Himself, to do the two commands listed above.  The talking heads can argue the point until Kingdom Come.  The truth is, no man knows for sure.  So just live the way Christ taught us. Simple enough.

Keep praying!
