Passion of the Christ

Have you ever seen the movie directed by Mel Gibson called ‘The Passion of the Christ’?  If you haven’t yet, you should.  Like ‘Schindler’s List’, it’s one you only need to see once, or at least once in a great while.  Say what you want about Mr. Gibson’s private life; he’s a great movie maker.    The movie is rated ‘R’ and with good reason.  The insanity and barbaric gruesomeness of what Jesus went through is without equal.  Mr. Gibson stays true to Scripture and when you see the torture, first-hand, of what Christ endured, it sickens you.  It is VERY hard to watch and I challenge you to watch it without becoming emotional.  This is a truly inspired film.  Why God required this walk of Jesus, I’m not sure I’ll ever understand, but it has helped me to try and not complain so much when life’s trivial headaches come my way.

Here’s a brief synopsis of the movie –>

Watch it.  See what Jesus did for you and for me.  No greater love can man have for his friends than to lay down his life for them.  Jesus claims all people of all walks of life as his friends.  You will leave a changed person.

